
All Refurbished Sydney Phones products are backed by a hardware warranty of 3 months so you can rest assured that you are covered. Your warranty period starts from the fulfilment date of your order.

Our warranty covers defects in hardware functionality – That is, microphones, speakers, cameras and charging port issues.

If your device is covered by the warranty, we will either provide you with another refurbished device of a like or higher quality depending on stock availability, repair your device or refund you in full.

Please note: This warranty does not cover failures that are caused by the way the device is handled by the new owner or the way the device is used. Examples of such are damage caused by liquids, devices that are physically damaged and/or unauthorised repairs of devices.

If you experience any issues with your phone, please contact us by email at admin@rsydneyphones.com.au for assistance.

Please ensure you include in your email your order details, the device purchase date, a full description of the issue.